Sunday, July 24, 2016

Award Winning Photography 2016

Boy Scouts retire American Flags

2nd. Place News Photos - Tennessee Press Assoc. 2016

Boy Scout Troop 15, Bristol, Tennessee, spent Saturday afternoon disposing of wore, tattered and faded American Flags in the correct manner.  The flags were presented, saluted and then burned on the continous campfire.  Saturday marked the beginning of Scout Week with the conclusion next week at the Klondike Derby.  Over 800 flags were collected for the ceremony.

Boy Scouts retire American Flags

2nd. Place News Photos - Tennessee Press Assoc. 2016

Carey Couron, left, Ethan Francis and Garrett Humphrey, members of Scout Troop 15, Bristol, Tennessee, salute the retired American Flags during the Disposal of Unserviceable Flags Ceremony.  The flags were burned on the continous campfire as part of 105th. year of Scouting in America.  The campfire is in its 40th. year.

Boy Scouts retire American Flags

2nd. Place News Photos - Tennessee Press Assoc. 2016

Boy Scout Troop 15, Bristol, Tennessee, spent Saturday afternoon disposing of wore, tattered and faded American Flags in the correct manner.  The flags were presented, saluted and then burned on the continous campfire.  Saturday marked the beginning of Scout Week with the conclusion next week at the Klondike Derby.  Over 800 flags were collected for the ceremony.

Photos Earl Neikirk/Bristol Herald Courier/

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